I've taken the day of and had plans to apply for a new passport (mine is out of date), do some grocery shopping and then sew some more mini-blocks. Well - I won't go to the passport police cause I look like a fright. The entire left side of my mouth is swollen, mostly on the outside and a bit on the inside - I kind of look like a hamster :-( No matter steroid cream or heavy anti-allergen pill :-( :-( :-(
In between TV shows (British Masterchef and Navy CIS) I sat and transferred embrodiery designs to the blocks I already sewed. After tried to use the coffee table (frosted glass top) with a small but strongly lit lamp from IKEA last year with not satisfactory results, I asked The DH to make me a light box. But then I read somewhere "use glass topped tables or acrylic ones" it struck me that the extension table for the Horizon is clear acrylic and than tiny lamp would fit under it. Said and done and - it worked! Picture will be posted later.
Now I really need that floss and silken threads.
So far I have one large "9 mini-block-sewn-together" block and 9 mini-blocks that are single. All are lacking their embroideries and appliques, they just have the transferred designs and the parts for the apppliques in small zip-lock bags, pinned to each block. Now I wonder - are you interested to see the unfinished blocks or do you want to wait until they are completely finished?
Need to fold some laundry before I start my day in ernest.
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