Make over

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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I used to have a very nice studio, well organized, neat and tidy....the change started when I fell into the grasp of the quilting bug. To get room for my fabrics I had to move several Rubber Maid bins with all kind of stuff for soap, candle and cream making down to the basement. Then The DH build a make shift "garage" for the RV right outside my window and poof - every single ray of daylight was omitted! And let me tell you, it ain't easy to audition fabrics in poor lamp light.

I have been frustrated ever since and last night it hit me - if I move the books from one of the Billy bookcases in the hallway into the Ivar shelves in the studio, I'll get full daylight and - can enjoy my ever growing stash each time I pass through the hallway.

So why wait when you can spend 3 hrs with +25C in the shadow outside and +25C inside? As usual I went full tilt ahead and did it all in one single go, with the exception of a quick cooling dip in the pool. I forgot to take a pic of the actual case I emptied, but it looked quite like this:
OMG, the stuff The DH clutter up my cases with ......

The interesting this with doing something like this is that you find books you didn't know you owned and/or completely forgotten. And - the same goes for the fabrics......I found some pretty ones I had no clue I owned.
So the books went inside the studio - I own so many that I have to stack them in two rows, so I put the old ones in the back and the newest, most readable ones in the front:
The Billy shelf in the hallway showed to hold more fabrics than the Ivar. I confess, when I look how neatly other people stack their fabrics, I realize I have no clue on how achieve that.... I am quite envious, cause deep down my Virgo neatness longs for such order. Until I figure it out, I am pleased with the outcome nevertheless:

Not the best picture in the world, will try later to take a better one, but lokkie lookie - there is one almost empty bottom shelf :-) Said that I remember that I haven't stacked the latest purchases and - I need some bins for Jelly Rolls, Charm packs etc.....

I probably need to more books in a not so faraway future ;-9

Time to fix dinner for my soccer playing oldest darling.

PS The DH who is at times a very understanding guy (when it comes to hobbies LOL) looked at the change when he came home from work and exclaimed "fabrics!!!". The he stroke my back and said "honey you got a lot of fabrics here". My reply was "compared to what? and of he went on his motorcycle with his biking friends. 

Before I came upstairs I turned on the lights and viewed this days work and know what? I am mighty pleased with myself :-D


Melody said...

Very nice Wolfie. DD and I went to the new IKEA store here in Denver last weekend and I realize I NEED Billy shelves in the spare room and the sewing room. I can't decide whether to have a room thats just a guest room and one for a sewing room/reading room or one room for each. I think what I'll do is make the small room the guest room and the larger room my sewing/book room. I'm going to miss DD when she moves to her new house next week but she'll only be a few blocks away and I'll have so many fewer animals, less animal hair and dust and more room. And lots of reasons to hit IKEA.

Annika said...

Det blev väldigt fint! Jag har också en fundering på att fixa lite med ordningen i syrummet under semestern. Men väntar idogt på regniga dagar :)

SubeeSews said...

Your fabric stacking/folding looks quite neat to this OCD Pisces. I was married to a Virgo for 17 years. He taught me how to organize.
XOXO Subee

Wolfie said...

Melody - as I said before - IKEA is outstanding when it comes to storage of all kinds. My Billys are almost 30 yrs old and still holds up. I love getting boxes, basket and such there - so affordable.
Of cource you should claim a room just for you if you have the possibility - you will enjoy it so much:-)

Annika, I sure need to start cleaning out the studio, at lest before the summer is over. Right now it looks plain horrible :-(

Subee, you ae right - the stacking will do and sure is much better than before. I'm married to a gemini and that have made me burry much of my virgo traits LOL.